1988 – First Triennial Conference

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1988 – First Triennial Conference

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Proceedings of the
Conference on Buildings and Structures subject to Mine Subsidence

Maitland, 28th to 30th August 1988

Title page, foreword, contents
A review of surface subsidence caused by coal mining J M Galvin
Successful Design for Mine Subsidence:
The CLASP Experience
A Peter Fawcett 4
Design of Buildings for Mine Subsidence I J Bray
S E T Branch
1908 Royal Commission Revisited E M To 26
Mine Subsidence at Grass Roots B W Burton 36
Investigation and Backfilling of Early
Workings in the Yard Seam for the
Construction of a High Rise Building
in Burwood Street, Newcastle
P J N Pells
P Openshaw
A Love
I S Pederson
Engineering Design of a Major Hospital
for Conditions of Mine Subsidence
J G Burgmann
A B Phillips
The Prediction of Multi-seam Subsidence Using a Finite Difference Program on a Desk Top Computer G E Holt 66
Prediction of Subsidence Effects on a
Service Decline From the Partial Extraction of an Underground Pillar
A K Bhattacharyya
D M Shu
R D Lama
Surveillance of Structures in the
Latrobe Valley
D Raisbeck 80
Water and Wastewater Engineering in a
Mine Subsidence Area
J R Gleeson 86
High Accuracy Subsidence Monitoring
From Photography
C J Earls
D Jonas
D Tierton
Design of Bridges on South Western
Freeway No. 5 for Ground Movements
Due to Mine Subsidence
R W Speers
N Gontarczyk
Pipeline Design in Mine Subsidence
R Thompson 108
A Method for Stochastic Subsidence
Analysis of Bolted Lattice Towers
I W Brightwell 113
Experience with Mining Subsidence
on Overland Conveying in Upper
Hunter Valley, NSW
Damage t o t h e Stanwell Park Railway
P R Hilleard 122
The Application of Strain Gauges for
the Monitoring of Buried Pipelines
in Mining Subsidence Areas
S Zowghi
Effects of Mining Subsidence on
Mannering Creek Ash Dam
N S Mattes 140