2001 – Fifth Triennial Conference

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2001 – Fifth Triennial Conference

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Proceedings of the Fifth Triennial Conference on Coal Mine Subsidence – Current Practice and Issues

Maitland NSW 26 – 28 August 2001

Mine Subsidence Management – Perspectives Of Stakeholder Groups L. Holla 1
Future Directions of the Mine Subsidence Board G.J. Cole-Clark 11
Mining in River Corridors – Hunter Valley F. Hancock 17
Investigation of Long Term Stability of Mine Workings on Claystone Floor and Associated Subsidence Issues G. Li et al 25
The Case for a Hunter Coalfield Subsidence Guideline G.E. Holt 37
Closure and Uplift in Creeks, Valleys and Gorges due to Mine Subsidence A.A.Waddington and D.R. Kay 49
Management of Mine Subsidence Impacts on Cliffs at Baal Bone Colliery B.J. Radloff and K.W. Mills 63
Subsidence Impact on Sandstone Cliff Rock Shelters in the Southern Coalfield, New South Wales J. Shepherd and C.E. Sefton 77
Mining Subsidence Legal and Social Issues D.S. White 87
Observations of Horizontal Subsidence Movement at Baal Bone Colliery K.W. Mills 99
Regional Horizontal Movements Associated with Longwall Mining B.K. Hebblewhite 113
Stability of Abandoned Mines – Geotechnical Investigations of the Borehole Seam Workings Beneath Newcastle CBD G.C. Hawkins and J.P. Harvey 123
Serviceability and Reliability of Structures Subject to Ground Movement M.J. Masia and R.E. Melchers 141
A Review of the Formulation and Implementation of Graduated Design Guidelines for Residential Construction in Mine Subsidence Areas of New South Wales L.D. Appleyard 149
Successfully Managing the Undermining of Major Structures P. Davis 163
Sensitive Infrastructure And Horizontal Ground. Movements At Newstan Colliery R.W. Seedsman and G. Watson 171
Displacement Monitoring and Visualisation Using Terrestrial Photogrammetry K.P. Soole, G. Popopat K.W. Mills, B. Radloff 181
Application of Computer Modelling in the Understanding of Subsidence Movements W.J. Gale 189
Coal Extraction Beneath Cataract Reservoir: Mining at Bellambi West From 1998 To 2001 R.W. Seedsman and G. Kerr 199
Further Analysis of Horizontal Movements around Cataract Dam, 1980 to 1997 P. Reid 211
Comparisons of Predicted and Observed Mine Subsidence Profiles A.A. Waddington and D.R. Kay 219