2007 – Seventh Triennial Conference

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2007 – Seventh Triennial Conference

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Proceedings of the Seventh Triennial Conference on Mine Subsidence – A Community Issue

University of Wollongong, NSW 26-27 Nov 2007

Title Author Page
Cover page – Foreword – Contents    
Evaluating the Impacts of Longwall Mine Subsidence on Vineyards in the Broke Region of New South Wales: The Challenges of Analysing Multi-scale Field Data JA Thompson
PS Frazier
DW Lamb
West Wallsend Colliery – A Coordinated Approach to
Managing Subsidence Impacts on Multiple High Risk
Sensitive Surface Features: LW27 Case Study
M Robinson 11
Mitigating the Effects of Mine Subsidence due to Coal
Mining On Major Infrastructure Assets Critical to Sydney
M McGill 23
Investigation of Potential Longwall Mining Impact on
Upper Cordeaux No.2 Dam
PG Dominish
CW Tan
Subsidence Monitoring at Cataract Tunnel Portal:
Lessons Learnt
G. Brassington, C. Horsley 43
Measuring Mine Subsidence – Illawarra Coal’s
Diversified Approach
L Anderson
D Patterson
M Nicholson
Monitoring Mining Induced Strain in a Road Pavement
using Optical Fibres
DJ Kay, B Whelan
G Donald
H Pinkster
Continuous Monitoring with Tiltmeters and the Internet P Enright 81
Remote Monitoring of Mine Subsidence Using Radar
L Ge, HC Chang
C Rizos, KW Mills
Monitoring the Impact of Longwall Mine Subsidence on
Surface Environments Using Remote Sensing
T Trotter, P Frazier 101
A Case Study on Multi-seam Subsidence with Specific
Reference to Longwall Mining under Existing Longwall
G Li, P Steuart
R Pâquet
Probabilistic Approach to Predicting Far Field Horizontal
Movements During Mining
DJ Kay
WJC Meynink
HG Buys
PL DeBono
H Pinkster
Predictions of Far Field Displacements Due to Pillar
Extraction or Longwall Mining in Mountainous Terrain
S Ditton 141
Mine Subsidence at Waratah Rivulet: a Case Study of the
Consideration of Environmental Costs and Benefits of
Underground Longwall Mining
R Gillespie 151
Risk Assessment of Applications to Mine Near Dams and
Stored Waters
P Reid 165
Designing a Longwall Layout in the Face of Stringent
Subsidence Constraints – the Mandalong Experience
RW Seedsman 177
Rapid Stress Assessment of Buried Pipelines in Mine
Subsidence Regions
PG Dominish
CW Tan
Review of Mechanisms Resulting in Observed Upsidence
and Closure Movements
DR Kay, JP Barbato
KW Mills
Subsidence Impacts on River Channels and Opportunities
for Control
KW Mills 207
The Ecology of Subsidence – Upland Swamps in the
Southern Coalfield
M Richardson
D Ryan
High-Resolution Environmental Monitoring: a
Determination of the Upland Swamp-Woodland
Boundary from ALS (Airborne Laser Scanning) Data
RB Jenkins 233
Changes of Water Quality in a Stream Impacted by
Longwall Mining Subsidence
J Jankowski 241
Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions in a Catchment
Impacted by Longwall Mining
J Jankowski 253
Mine Subsidence Induced Hydraulic Connection Tested
by Geochemical and Geophysical Tracing Techniques
CL Waring
MA Peterson
Geochemical and Algal Tracing of Potential Flow from a
Lake to an Underground Mine
SA Short, AN Golab
CJ Tippler
RV Walsh